Before we dive into this article, let’s get something straight: It’s not the quantity of followers you have or the number of likes you get that matters. Instead, it’s how efficiently you’re able to use these numbers to convert new followers into brand advocates. Creative content is a great way to achieve this objective and boost your conversion rate on social media. Read on to know more…

What is Creative Content?

Creative content is any type of content that differentiates your brand from your competitors. This could be in the form of visual content, written content, or numerical data. It can be as simple as a creative image or GIF, a video, a meme, a listicle, or a chart. The key is to create something so unique that it catches the attention of your audience. Therefore, creative content is the opposite of plain marketing messages, product descriptions, and statistics.In fact, creative content is one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd and interrupt your audience’s daily routine. This interruption, as a result, can attract new leads/customers and increase sales through your sales funnel.In short, creative content is anything that’s not a sales pitch that you create to engage your audience and create a buzz around your brand. This can include a wide range of topics, such as opinion pieces, listicles, quizzes, visual content, and more!

Why is Creative Content Important?

As marketers, one of our main goals is to attract new leads and customers to our brand. We do this by creating various pieces of content, such as blog posts, videos, and images. However, these aren’t enough to catch the attention of your audience. Instead, most of these marketing messages get lost in the shuffle due to the sheer volume of content being produced each day.For example, there’s an average of over 5,000 blog posts being published every day. In fact, 50% of all content published online will be old content by 2021. How can we expect our audience to stand out in this content-overload environment?This is where creative content comes in. Even though it might not be new, you can rest assured that most brands don’t produce this type of content. This means your audience will be more likely to stand out from the crowd and pay attention to your message.

6 Ways to Create Creative Content for Your Brand

There are countless ways that you can create creative content for your brand. Here are some of the most common ways to create creative content for your brand:- Visual content: Visual content has been a staple for marketers for years, and for good reason—it works! From creative images to GIFs, visual content is a great way to catch your audience’s attention. You can use visual content in many different ways, from creating a gallery of images that showcase your team and their experience, to creating visual content that illustrates the problem you’re solving, and more!- Written content: Another tried-and-true way to create content is via written content. Written content is great for providing a more in-depth look at your product or service. It’s also a great way to attract people who prefer reading over watching a video or looking at images. Written content can take many forms, such as blog posts, guest posts, product reviews, and more!- Numerical data: Data is another great way to create content that’s likely to catch your audience’s attention. You can share statistics about your industry or about your customers, or you can share data about your company’s performance. This is a great way to prove your value and show that you’re an authority in your industry.- Podcasts: Podcasts are another awesome way to create content. You can use podcasts to provide more in-depth information about your product or service, or you can use them to provide information about your brand and industry.- Lists/quizzes/games: Another way to create content is by using lists, quizzes, and games. Lists are a great way to share information, highlight benefits and features, and provide value to your audience. Quizzes and games are a fun way to get people interested in your brand while they’re having fun!

Instagram as a Platform for Creative Content

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. It is home to a mostly visual-focused community that’s engaged with visual content and easily distracted. Therefore, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of your audience. One of the best ways to do this is by creating visual content. Here are some of the most common ways to create visual content for your brand on Instagram.- Visual content: Visual content is one of the most common and effective ways to create content on Instagram. Visual content can take the form of images, videos, or even GIFs. It’s important to use visuals that are eye-catching, attention-grabbing, and relevant to your brand and industry.- Behind-the-scenes posts: Another common way to create visual content on Instagram is to share behind-the-scenes posts. This is a great way to show that your brand is human and approachable. It also helps you to connect with your audience and give them a glimpse into your daily life as a brand.- Contests/polls: Contests and polls are also a great way to create visual content on Instagram. These types of posts are fun, engaging, and eye-catching, which is perfect for Instagram. You can use these posts to engage your audience and drive engagement, as well as collect valuable data about your audience.

Video as a Platform for Creative Content

Video is one of the best ways to create visual content for your brand. It provides an opportunity to connect with your audience on a more in-depth level and provide them with information they’re seeking. It’s also a great way to humanize your brand and show that you’re approachable, real people.Here are some of the most common ways to create video content for your brand.- Interviews: One of the most common ways to create video content is to do an interview with an industry expert or authority. This is a great way to learn from others, while also providing value to your audience. You can share these interviews on your website, on your social media channels, and on other social media platforms like YouTube.- Tutorials: Another common way to create video content is by doing tutorials. You can create tutorials about your product or service, or you can create tutorials about topics that are relevant to your industry.- Behind-the-scenes videos: Yet another common way to create video content is by sharing behind-the-scenes videos. This is a great way to humanize your brand and make your audience feel like they’re getting a glimpse into your daily life. This is also a great way to show that your brand is approachable and real people run it.

Influencer as a source of creative content

Brands have been partnering with influencers to create content for a while now. However, many brands are now partnering with influencers to source creative content for their social media channels. This is because it’s more cost-effective than hiring a team of employees to create content.If you’re looking to source creative content by partnering with influencers, then you’ll want to make sure your brand is attractive to them. This means that you need to have a great product, a clean and attractive website, and a good social media presence. If you have these things, then you’ll be able to find an influencer who’s interested in working with your brand.


In short, creative content is anything that’s not a sales pitch that you create to engage your audience and create a buzz around your brand. This can include a wide range of topics, such as opinion pieces, listicles, quizzes, visual content, and more!There are many different ways that you can create creative content for your brand. These include visual content, written content, numerical data, podcasts, lists/quizzes/games, and videos. You can also source creative content by partnering with influencers.

Image Source: FreeImages

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