Movie Launch
influence strategy
In January 2018, Alexander Payne’s film downsizing was released in French cinemas. Paramount Pictures France trusted us for its strategy of influence to help promote this film. Downsizing is a process invented by scientists which allows individuals who choose to be reduced to a height of 12cm. The advantage: increase their purchasing power, reduce their carbon footprint or fight against overpopulation!
We imagined a creative strategy around the film and offered to five influencers to be “downsized” in universes that are close to them to make them live, in the photo only, the advantages of this transformation. The campaign was very well received by the audience of influencers, seduced by the originality and quality of the content. A campaign amplification with the relay of photos from the Instagram film and the Facebook trailer by the micro influencers supported the activation of top influencers.
Photo credit: @romaincosta, @dressingleeloo, @theballoondiary, @estelle, @anilbrancaleoni
> 1,9 M
Followers reach
> 110 K
organic views
> 400
content pieces
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